Find all neighborhood helpers and Your Neighbor in the neighborhood, share knowledge about suspiciou...
Find all neighborhood helpers and Your Neighbor in the neighborhood, share knowledge about suspicious behavior and activate the neighbors in the event of a burglary. Use the notice board to ask the neighborhood and arrange holiday help. It is Nabohjælps app in a maggi cube.Join Nabohjælp if you want to be part of the most well-documented tool against burglary. A burglar chooses a crime scene based on accessibility, signs of valuables and signs of life. The latter in particular acts as a deterrent and therefore active Neighbor Help prevents up to every 4 burglaries. At the same time, Nabohjælp helps to create security and well-being through neighborliness in the neighbourhood.The app makes Neighborhood Help in your neighborhood official and effective.MAP OF THE NEIGHBORHOODGet a map of all registered neighborhood helpers in your neighbourhood. Decide for yourself how you define your neighborhood and thus from whom you receive warnings and questions.WARNINGSWrite, read and comment on alerts about suspicious behavior or burglaries in the neighborhood. Get notified if there is an increased risk of burglary in your neighbourhood. Sign up for special counseling when there is an increased risk of burglary in your neighborhood and get suggestions for various activities that make you and your neighbors visible in the neighborhood while the risk is increased - while at the same time building neighborlinessASK THE NEIGHBORHOOD ON THE NEIGHBORHOOD NOTICE BOARDWrite, read and comment on questions for the neighborhood. For example, if you want to offer others to borrow your trailer, or you yourself need a recommendation for a nanny. There is room here for everything that the neighborhood has to offerHOLIDAY HELPInvite trusted neighborhood helpers as holiday helpers via card or email. Create your vacations and notify the vacation assistants so they get reminders while youre away. Get all-ok messages from the holiday helpers while you are away and get reminders and good advice when you have to help on holiday yourself.THE NEIGHBORAs a helper, you can choose to register as a Neighbor if one is missing in your neighbourhood.A Neighbor is a particularly dedicated neighborhood helper who goes the extra mile to get effective Neighbor Help in the whole neighbourhood. In particular by working with activities that create relationships between the neighbours. And by coordinating a joint effort in relation to burglary. You can register as a Neighbor for your neighborhood in Nabohjælps app, or you can contact your Neighbor if you need good advice or want to contribute to joint activities in your neighbourhood. Read much more at AS NEIGHBOR HELPER AND NEIGHBORTo use the app and participate in Neighbor Help, you must create a profile on the app. All neighborhood helpers are MitID validated and address validated via MitID or letter as part of security. Once youre set up, well send you a welcome letter with stickers. You can add two addresses to your profile, e.g. your civil registry address and your holiday home.As a neighbor helper, you can also register as a Neighbor for your neighborhood if there is not one already. We will then send a welcome package with ID cards, materials and other goodies. And you get your own communication channel in the app, just as you get a network with other Neighbor friends in the country.STATEMENT OF AVAILABILITYAt Nabohjælp, we do our best to operate and develop a usable and accessible App for as many citizens as possible. You will find our accessibility statement here: hope you enjoy Nebohjælp!Psst... if you have questions, suggestions, feedback or praise for the app, please write to [email protected] greetingsNeighborhood help - a free offer from the Crime Prevention Council and TrygFonden.Read more at